Friday, January 22, 2010

What happened.....

Last friday 15th Jan 2010, some of my friends played golf for the first time :) it was funny and enjoyable. We had lunch at Sgcc and off to the driving range. Later it rained and yeap it was a little messy and they didnt get to try putting well SOON :)
On Tuesday we had our HRM test or quiz 1...which was okay..short answers..phew :o
but the next coming monday, we're having audit test 1..chapter 1,2 and 3..oh dear..reading reading reading readin...ahhhh!!! God help us!
Lately we are planning to visit Sandakan after this semester which is end of April, since some of 3 of my classmates will be going back there. I REALLY hope its ON! Oh pretty please! It'll be our chance!
Today, school was normally although some of us were shocked how much money we needed to spend on our Sandakan trip but we'll reduced it! we better! haha....and some of my friends planned to watch a movie called woohoo? but seems like not all of us was in the mood for movies...and some might be going on Sunday anyway. So later my friend asked us our around 7:30pm? like sudden and she rarely join us whenever we hang out, she wanted to go for movies but i guess its too late for us? so we hang out at Lintas upperstar and dicussed a little about our consumer behaviour assignment... Yeap i droved with my mum...boy it was scaaareee~...i went to pick up my friend since she just staying around Lintas, so after that we were on our way to Lintas and i needed to stay on the third lane well let say i made a mistake, one of the car on the third lane was super fast and i was out of the junction, i was SUPPOSE to stay on the second lane but instead i went on the third lane and yeap, really loud brake from behind but it was really close....but bad...ahhhh....i wish i never did that but thank God we were okay and yeap i learned my lesson..gah! Try to remember Felicia! Come on!

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