Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My 1st and 2nd day at school~

Since it will be my first time going to the new campus...we wouldn't know what time we should leave and i'm sure you know we can't control traffic!

So the night before school i set my alarm at 6am....i was really tired so next morning i couldn't wake up even when the alarm was turned on and in the end my mum started knocking on the door. I was actually having a dream..gah scary! Maybe that's why i couldn't wake up!

I didn't really had time for breakfast but luckily my mum boiled 2 eggs, one for me and the other for my brother. Off to school at 6:40am and many cars were already ahead, i have to be at school before 7:30am well since i'm one of the babysitters. My job was to register the new students for CA1 :) It was fun because my job was to ask them to sign, pass them their name tags and note books.

That's Wei Hsin and I, taken by Kee....hehe

This is our classroom 305, spacious! So much better :)
And the toilet is just outside 305..how cool is that!

Sharon and I were suppose to be responsible in the campus tour for the newbies but it seems like someone already took our job so we left and went back to class.

It was a little boring in class since most of the lecturers were busy, after our HRM class which Ms Cecilia will be lecturing for only 20 minutes we went off to 1 Borneo. At first Alex said K box but we ended up watching Avatar which was a good movie! Well i nearly fell asleep (not because the movie was boring) but i was really tired! After the movie we went to the pet store just to look as some dogs..awww i saw this cute white little sausage dog..so adorable!

This is the ONE! Awww....

2nd day of school, woke up at 6am at last even though i was still tired. Toasted bread with a slice of cheese...oh YUM! And off to school, today cars ahead was okay not too many.

Today our duty as babysitters was to guide the newbies on indoor games, we didnt really do much since there was enough people helping out. Nick, Sharon, Kee, Pei san and I were there...i guess we were just there to look around and make sure no one cheats. :) Well i was surprise about one thing for sure, that is Sean took a photo with me...i mean who am I? Im like nobody lol. Anyway after the games we were off, goodbye, time to go home..finally!

Oops looks like i forgot to mention about the canteen, the food is acceptable for me but i'm not sure about the rest.

This semester (which is 4 months) i will taking E-Commerce, Auditing, Foundation in Finance, Basic Mkt Research, Human Reseach management and Consumer Behaviour. Auditng is an elective which means i can drop it but i'll just take it since it's okay if i didnt pass it but 6 subjects is ALOT...i remember last year when we took 6 subjects, its like a never ending finals!

Hmm..thats about it. It was fun :)

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