Friday, January 29, 2010

Something is up :P

Yes something is up....this week we had 2 test, audit's the one we were stress about :P well, I dislike tests on mondays because for me weekends should be relaxing but if it's an examination, i would study really hard, only tests I'm a little lazy hehe. So, another 2 more tests next week, e-com and i have to study a little this weekend, at least I have some idea abt the chapters hohoho~
Moving on, the Sandakan trip is ON! well it turns out to be an 8 person trip lol....where one of my classmates is still not confirmed 7 of us are sure! Yeap :) and yeap something came up again, i guess we were just trying to solve it but it didnt work, oh well. Anyway yesterday we (Sharon, Wei Hsin, John, Sam, ALoy, Wan Thin and I) went off straight after school for movies at 1 Borneo, we watched 'The Spy Next Door' and its pretty good! Hey watch it! It ain't so bad. Later 2 of them went back after the movie and we went for a little tea party, well not exactly a tea party but we had a little conversation..or a BIG conversation but a small group at Startbucks, we wanted Caramel Frappuccino but my friend made a mistake and ordered Caramel Macchiato and its okay, something new to us lol. We had dinner at Home's ......something, i forgot the name of the restaurant but its really yummy, i ordered myself a Fried Rice Special, oh really nice! and we went home 9pm ++ hehe what a day! When i was back home my mum and sis told me that they saw a dog that looks just like Nana! Awwww!!!! and its a male dog! perfect for Nana! but He is so much smarter and well trained than Nana.....well if she was trained im sure she is smart too.
And today 30th Jan we had volleyball player selections, Im selected! Well, haha its funny because only 3 girls was there today for selections we played with the guys...a mixed game and yeap it was fun :) Oh I think someone was cute today on the court but I have no idea what's his name, but hey, you gotta know his personalities to know it, right?!

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