Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The month of May~

1st May, Hello Miri! We're back from KK X]. Brunei, here we come!. We went around a park, what was it called again? @.@ haha I can't remember!, and we went for a movie at the mall after some photo session. And yes, we had a lot of miscommunications because we couldn't call out using our mobiles =.=" so dinner was a little late at Sushi Escapade. But thank God as time goes by, the other 2 cars found the place hehe, we had trouble searching for this restaurant when it was just a few blocks away!! T.T

Okay!, we must depart at 8:30pm because the custom closes at 10pm. There were 3 cars in total, the first was late by 5 mins, and the custom gate closes haha, so obviously the other 2 cars couldn't make it too. So where do we go?, rest in the car?..we went back to the nearest location to look for a place to stay but I'm sure u know hotel policies only allow 2 or 3 person per room? but there was 12 of us! haha, finally we found a place!, thanks for Zophie's friend, he wasn't around so we stayed over at his house while his parents were home hehe. Phew.... :-) But it was a great experience!.

2nd May, it's a holiday! replacement of labour day haha. So there will be a replacement class on Friday lol. And of course, sleep gao gao! I didn't manage to sleep during the Brunei trip.

3rd May, there was a volleyball meeting and yay I was part of the team, woohoo~. My team members are Helen, Melanie, Sally, Wendy, Sylvia and finally, our team captain, Siew Jiun. :-)

5th May, Happy Birthday Jossy! hahahhaha

Helen, Me, Melanie, Sally, Wendy, Sylvia and Siew Jiun.

6th May, Happy Birthday May! :-) We played badminton in the morning, then CIB meeting, replacement class and lastly volleyball competition hehe. Busy busy busy~ yes, both Curtin male and female group won the first match.

7th May, Happy Birthday Jie Jie!! X] volleyball again! but before that we had another CIB meeting regarding on our presentation lol. T.T but we lost hahahahaha~~~~

8th May, Final Final Final! hahaha both Curtin male and female lost lolol. So we got second placing :-P We had McD for lunch, time to go home, rest and prepare for my presentation tomorrow!.

Me, Carmen, Sharon and Syh Yong :-)

9th May, PRESENTATION!!! @.@" I wasn't really prepared, I couldn't really remember my points because it was a 'too last minute preparation' so I ended up reading from my palm sized card lol!!! funny funny funny presentation, nervous at first then started to laugh eh =.=" so unprofessional lol. So after our presentation, it was the best feeling ever! like ahhh, finally it's over! and we felt like having a good meal! so we went for Ramen down town, and on the way back there was a mini fun fair, and we went in for some fun woohoo~~

Me, Veronica and Sharon X]

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