Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Hello KK!

Hello KK, hello mum, bro, sis, dad, homie, nana, fluffly, snowy, luna and lucky!

25th April, still sick, my voice was horrible yesterday..duhhhhh~~~ and I'm suppose to start my perdisco assignment.

26th April, okay! feeling better thanks to mum's help! A lot better! My mum got SKILL! :-) and also Thanks to Sharon's perdisco senior thingy's answers! Yay I accomplished my goal! which is to finish perdisco before tuition free week ends!
30th April, I Went shopping on a Saturday at centre point hehehe, well, formal attire for CIB =.=" and the best thing is I had sang nyuk men when I just got back KK! X]

Look at all the kuih lapis my dad bought!! Buy 6 get 1 free~ wow! :-P

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