Saturday, May 28, 2011

Checklist for exam

1. Pray
2. Stop making excuses
3. Plan Ahead
4. Find a study group
5. Eat and Rest well
6.Practice for exam
7. Take a break and have some fun ;-)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sick perhaps?

I'm sick.......

I'm actually love sick....

LuLu!!!! T.T huhuhuhuhuhuhu

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Are you ready for Sports Carnival?

10th May, Business Law class as usual but with my crazy mates LOL funny peeps! >.< hmm...but something strange happened, my lecturer was a little moody when she came in, then something happened and her eyes were teary T.T. But after 5 minutes when she had her time alone, she was back to herself again. Phew. So after class, I went to check my mid-semester paper because I was so curious what went wrong @.@ ohohohohoh~ my 4 step answer was really BAD!!! doh! ahhh hen bu suang myself! But at least I know where I lost all my marks. Surprisingly, while I was at the waiting area just outside the lift, my lecturer was very friendly, even when I was walking to the cafeteria, she smiled and, as if we were good friends LOL!. it's good though.

11th May, Went for golf with King and Joel :-P It wasn't so bad, yea like when someone actually mishit a shot towards your leg, OUCH!!! lol. But no worries, it's already getting better hehe. Later we went for futsal and yay, clean curtains, no more dusty-ness. Thanks Lulu! X].

12th May...There was a fundraising campaign for student's moral project ;-P and today Hill Songs is in Perth!!! T.T sobbbb.....

13th May, I think we practices Futsal and Frisbee? can't really remember what happened today @.@

14th ~ 15th Sports Carnival! go Blasters!. Frisbee, Basketball, Futsal, Rugby and Tug of War... another good memory for the memory cell lol.

19th Last Finance Quiz!!! ;-)

20th May..Yay I got my McD pink glass! wooohooo~~~ and we watched Pirates of the Caribbean haha X) after that we went for dinner and it was great! it reminded me of those family dinner-ish days~ ahhh miss it. >.<

21st may..Happy Birthday Mr. Woody! Hope you're having fun! off we go for volleyball! :-)

24th Down town...we bought groceries, for me, yes lots of them hehehe.

25th May. Happy Birthday May Tang!!! hehehehe. LuLu, Thanks for the Barley :-P!

27th May Badminton, fun stuff!. Cell group!!!! haha dunno what else to type here....

28th May..T.T our last volleyball game...

29th May Went Boulevard with Ying Hong, Sharon and David. Bought ingredients for dinner tonight! although I wasn't really satisfied with how I performed, was a bit pressured T.T.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Beautiful Saviour

Jesus, Beautiful Saviour,

God of all Majesty,

Risen king,

Lamb of God,

Holy and righteous,

Blessed redeemer,

Bright morning star

All the heavens shout your praise,

All creation bow to worship You

How wonderful, how beautiful,

Name above every name, exalted high

How wonderful, how beautiful,

Jesus your name, name above every name, Jesus

I will sing forever, Jesus I love you, Jesus I love you

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The month of May~

1st May, Hello Miri! We're back from KK X]. Brunei, here we come!. We went around a park, what was it called again? @.@ haha I can't remember!, and we went for a movie at the mall after some photo session. And yes, we had a lot of miscommunications because we couldn't call out using our mobiles =.=" so dinner was a little late at Sushi Escapade. But thank God as time goes by, the other 2 cars found the place hehe, we had trouble searching for this restaurant when it was just a few blocks away!! T.T

Okay!, we must depart at 8:30pm because the custom closes at 10pm. There were 3 cars in total, the first was late by 5 mins, and the custom gate closes haha, so obviously the other 2 cars couldn't make it too. So where do we go?, rest in the car?..we went back to the nearest location to look for a place to stay but I'm sure u know hotel policies only allow 2 or 3 person per room? but there was 12 of us! haha, finally we found a place!, thanks for Zophie's friend, he wasn't around so we stayed over at his house while his parents were home hehe. Phew.... :-) But it was a great experience!.

2nd May, it's a holiday! replacement of labour day haha. So there will be a replacement class on Friday lol. And of course, sleep gao gao! I didn't manage to sleep during the Brunei trip.

3rd May, there was a volleyball meeting and yay I was part of the team, woohoo~. My team members are Helen, Melanie, Sally, Wendy, Sylvia and finally, our team captain, Siew Jiun. :-)

5th May, Happy Birthday Jossy! hahahhaha

Helen, Me, Melanie, Sally, Wendy, Sylvia and Siew Jiun.

6th May, Happy Birthday May! :-) We played badminton in the morning, then CIB meeting, replacement class and lastly volleyball competition hehe. Busy busy busy~ yes, both Curtin male and female group won the first match.

7th May, Happy Birthday Jie Jie!! X] volleyball again! but before that we had another CIB meeting regarding on our presentation lol. T.T but we lost hahahahaha~~~~

8th May, Final Final Final! hahaha both Curtin male and female lost lolol. So we got second placing :-P We had McD for lunch, time to go home, rest and prepare for my presentation tomorrow!.

Me, Carmen, Sharon and Syh Yong :-)

9th May, PRESENTATION!!! @.@" I wasn't really prepared, I couldn't really remember my points because it was a 'too last minute preparation' so I ended up reading from my palm sized card lol!!! funny funny funny presentation, nervous at first then started to laugh eh =.=" so unprofessional lol. So after our presentation, it was the best feeling ever! like ahhh, finally it's over! and we felt like having a good meal! so we went for Ramen down town, and on the way back there was a mini fun fair, and we went in for some fun woohoo~~

Me, Veronica and Sharon X]

Hello KK!

Hello KK, hello mum, bro, sis, dad, homie, nana, fluffly, snowy, luna and lucky!

25th April, still sick, my voice was horrible yesterday..duhhhhh~~~ and I'm suppose to start my perdisco assignment.

26th April, okay! feeling better thanks to mum's help! A lot better! My mum got SKILL! :-) and also Thanks to Sharon's perdisco senior thingy's answers! Yay I accomplished my goal! which is to finish perdisco before tuition free week ends!
30th April, I Went shopping on a Saturday at centre point hehehe, well, formal attire for CIB =.=" and the best thing is I had sang nyuk men when I just got back KK! X]

Look at all the kuih lapis my dad bought!! Buy 6 get 1 free~ wow! :-P

Monday, May 9, 2011

April - May~

10th and 11th of April 2011, Happy Birthday to Vun Jang and David Chong! :-)
This was week 7, and I was busy with my CIB assessment 2! what should I recommend?! Oh, Thank God I've found some good stuff on the internet, however, recently I was preparing for my assessment 3 where we have to present our assessment 2! and I somehow got better recommendations on the net =.=" dang!. But I'm very happy with my marks! Ohh Thank God!.

16th April, Happy Birthday Aunt Fiona and Siew Jiun X]. The day we had our mid-sem test for acct 250 and I just received bad news from my friends while I was SO happy when CIB presentation was over T.T, I didn't manage to pass my mid-sem test! I'm so gonna check my marks tomorrow and what mistake did I make. I'm so pissed off with myself right now! >.<" Grrrr... The next day was Chan's birthday, we also celebrated his birthday at Food & Tea restaurant.

17th April, Happy Birthday Chan!....hmmm according to my calender, I noted that there was volleyball practice 4-6pm, on a Sunday?? hmmm..I can't remember what was the purpose of this because we usually have volleyball practice on Friday and Saturdays. And today was palm Sunday!...Church was great because the pastor Jonathan was so energetic. :-)

19th April 2-6pm, badminton with Bruce, Erik, Jia Wei and some other friends. :-D. It was good, exercising!

21st April Finance 215 quiz!!! @.@!!!! But wow, thank God I passes! I'm so surprised because I couldn't really get the right amount. I better, seriously work hard for my coming quiz and finals! Yes, I can I can I can! We had our meeting for CIB, and off we go to play some more badminton. Strange feeling I'm having from my body, ohh boy.. I'm sick!!!

22nd April, Good Friday! off to Church we go with Zophie, Sally, Sharon and I. Madarin speaking Church..had trouble understanding T.T

23rd April..still sick, the night before that super sick, sick to the I fear the same feeling now, I wanna stay healthy!! In the morning, Wendy, Bruce and I participated in the Jogathon event, man I was unfit! LOL but it was good exercise! :-) We went to Crocodile Farm~ Weeee~~ and volleyball practice but it was the worst volleyball practice I've ever had..I was super Noob and Blur to the max..=.=" haih...

24th April, Thanks Chan for send Sharon and I to the airport! And we also visited Merdeka mall?? :-) See ya Miri! We'll be back next Sunday!

Hello KK, hello mum, bro, sis, dad, homie, nana, fluffly, snowy, luna and lucky!

25th April, still sick, my voice was horrible yesterday..duhhhhh~~~ and I'm suppose to start my perdisco assignment.

26th April, okay! feeling better thanks to mum's help! A lot better! My mum got SKILL! :-) and also Thanks to Sharon's perdisco senior thingy's answers! Yay I accomplished my goal! which is to finish perdisco before tuition free week ends! Went shopping on a Saturday at centre point hehehe, well, formal attire for CIB =.=" and the best thing is I had sang nyuk men! X]