Saturday, March 26, 2011

Finally, I feel a little less stressed out :-)

(17th March) Bought some Kuih from a Malay stall :-) Wasn't so bad. RM1 for 3 :-O. So after enjoying eating the kuih, just pass 7pm, opps..the current was out!. Call for help!..So we tagged along with David to join Wong, Wendy, Jeff, sally and Zophie. X)

19th March - Went to watch soccer a little and off for dinner.

Sunday - Church ;-) it wasn't too bad. Tml Church again!

21st March - Lunch with Racheal hohoho~ Burger! and teh tarik! nice nice...but thanks to the teh tarik i couldn't sleep the whole night =.=" and caused many problems!!!!

23rd March - received a called from Curtin Office and told me that they need 3 pics of me for my student pass (i didn't have any at all) so asked Tom & Jerry whether I could you know follow them if they were heading down town, they were! Okay good good! . Took a pic, went for dinner..HAHA guess friend's car battery flat =.=" ended up calling a taxi back to Curtin Villa and my photo was still there lol!

24th march - went to 1633 again hohohoho~

25th march - finally got my turnitin report and handed up my CIB assignment already!!! @.@! and ugh, business law exam! ,I have no idea whether I did horribly bad or just good enough to pass =.=". Volleyball!!! Haha was SO damn pai seh to go in! only later I went =.=""" but OMG it was so fun! I miss volleyball! and OMG my friend so yeng! I envy!!! T.T

26th March - went out for dinner with Andy and Amanda! They are such cute ngam key wan!! so good!. (Oooo! Happy 21st Birthday CHERYL HIEW XP)

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