Saturday, March 5, 2011

How's Miri????

27th Feb, touch down in Miri~

Ahahahaha~ as I've already mention on facebook there was a good looking-tall air stewardess serving me X).

Curtin provided transportation services for students staying at Curtin Villa :) the whole mini bus was mine! muahahaha. It was hot when I just arrived, there was no ceiling fan but air-con. =.=" Aussie style?!. Later, I went out with my friends for dinner and get some other stuff I need at the moment to sleep. zZZ~ Meet 3 new friends, Jeffrey, Wendy? or Mandy? haha gah, suddenly confused and Jack. :-) Thanks David for the ride and Sharon for the 3 in 1 Milo for tomorrow morning wakakaka~

28th, ai yor..classes begins!

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