Friday, March 18, 2011

Uni life will always keep you busy :-)

(1st March) Happy Birthday aunt RITA :))))

Uni life is also about MONEY lol, especially when you're at a new location. I think I spent a lot, well for books and stuff I needed. I remember buying a calculator that is worth RM149.90 lol! A text book that cost RM196 and another RM150 @.@ This is what I spent for the first week and also a pillow, blanket and etc >.<". There was a welcoming dinner for my cousin and I at David's place together with Jeff lol!!! Food was great and yes, a tiring day. Before that we had lunch just opposite Curtin Villa, the chicken rice only cost RM3.50 wow.

(6th March) Btw, I'm catering my dinner for weekdays :P. Since we had dinner at Dav's place on Saturday and what about Sunday? haha obviously, instant noodle was the easiest BUT unhealthy :S.

(8th March) We have classes from 6pm to 8pm every Tuesday but we're always done by 7:30pm and we would go out for dinner so no catering for tonight :). Ordered watanho somewhere in Miri (haha i really have no idea where were we).

(11th March) We were officially(lol) invited to Doris's place for BBQ, hmmm...the HOTDOG was SO SO good! :P The chicken wings, the tofu, and the lamb (yummy). It was her birthday, which was tomorrow. Thanks Doris! That's very nice of you!

(12th March) Happy Birthday Doris :)))) - Remember Rachel Tham? I was in the same class as her during my (very few days in) A-levels X) Yeap, I meet her the other day on campus and she brought us to the shop opposite to have Pan Mian :) ohhh sooo GOOD!.

(13th March) Saw Bong ZW the other day on campus, haha she didn't know i was studying in Miri! So we meet up today and had dinner somewhere far far away (which I also have no idea where that was) it was a funny night, meet Wong, Yida, (crap, i forgot Yida's other 2 friend's name) ahh im so sry! X( Pai Seh!. But they were funny peeps hehe. Dinner was of course GOOD!.

(15th March) oh another Tuesday :) McD! Wooo~! it's been a while since I got myself one of these :) Thank God for all the yummy food that filled my stomach! happy happy happy.

When's our turn to cook? lol.

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