Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I was afraid!

6th of October 2009

Today i went to the dentist to take off my braces, i was afraid when i see the tools that he was going to use especially when he wanted to take out the brackets...er i dont know how you spell them but anyway i kept asking God that it wouldn't hurt because i felt like my teeth was going to come out when he pulled the brackets! and also those tiny stuff stuck on my teeth for braces when he was taking out the small ones on my bottom teeth...gah! and when he wash and clean my teeth boy im sure you know how it feels if you tried to floss you teeth but not with a floss but some high tech equipment! eek! i can feel it going through my gums...haha but im gald it was all over and he did a pretty good job because my mum said some other dentist probably made your gum all bloody :S
Here is a pic of my teeth :)
i couldn't believe my eyes when my braces came off, i was surprise that my teeth were kinda big and i never believe that my teeth would be so neat. Guess i never imagined it that way but thank God for giving me a chance to put on braces, thank you Daddy & Mummy :D

I forget to mention about how my driving lesson on my previous post.

I learned how to go up hill and also drove around town which was pretty interesting because i've never done it before. Up the hill was good...infact it was fun but my timing have to be good. Well, i'll be having my next lesson this friday to practice and get used to what my tutor thought me.

Hey, whenever there's an opportunity to thank him, well make sure you do!

God bless everyone!

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