Saturday, October 3, 2009

Fun Stuff Yea?

At Kara's house before she leaves this Sunday.

These are some of Kara's friends which I got to know this year.
They are nice and funny people :)

Was playing the cooking academy?

Yea this gang is fun to hang out with hahaha

That's me, Georgina & Kara!

Celeste was there to join us too at beach hotel.

and Cheong Kah Meng too....we had our dinner at t.a.t.u....well thanks to Kara's voucher! Very yummy! Don't get this sort of opportunity so often for me so i was pretty excited hehe

Us after jumping and runny...

Wow, we can fit

This is B-boys from Korea...what great performance from them!

And the Korean traditional dance were great!

This was interesting because he was flipping this thing on his head and its not easy!

This was the 1st show, there were nine of them.

The ticket cost RM50 but thanks to my sis company, we got it for free....

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