Saturday, September 5, 2009

4th September 2009

I remember not being able to surf the net end of August, the internet were facing some problems which i have no idea what they were. So my mum called to ask what seems to be the problem and it seems like we're not the only one. And on the 4th, i could finally online. But it was nice not going online like how we used to, always playing Pet society or Restaurant City? man i guess we were a little crazy!. Since i couldn't online, i just followed my mum should be considered as shopping :) . yea, i bought some stuff but most of them were small items hehe. On tuesday, i went out with my classmates to 1 Borneo, we went to New York New York for the giant burger, it was a treat from my friend and later we went to catch a movie called Laughing God, it was good movie but when the gun fired, it scared me!. We didn't really take any pics cos my friend's cam battery died! gosh, but there's a pic on facebook though. On wednesday which was 1st of September, we went to Doulos the ship selling books, it sure was a long way to get there under the hot sun and when we're on board, wooo~ it was heaty in there but the view was perfect! We bought some books and that was it. Wasn't that bad. On thursday, my sis asked us to join her to 1 Borneo, so we finally went to Parkson which was new and they have Ripcurl! cool huh? and so many nice stuff. She was actually looking for an umbrella cos her friend broke hers :( so later we went to watson and she wanted this umbrella which was free but only it if we purchased the makeup product. Yup, we bought it and i got myself some eyeliner & mascara hehe guess i'll have to learn how to use it. And friday which was yesterday, i went to Darren's place for bbq, it was fun and the food was great! Well, this holiday isn't so bad...glad we all had fun. Can't wait till school starts.

Our group photo :) I like this pic alot

The far away group photo
Learning to skate, nice try Kim

Joshua leading us with this pose XD
Me, Kim & Cheryl

Went to Doulos on Wednesday, felt dizzy cos it was hot~

Bought this as my cousin's bday present, liked it soo much!

Changed my camera skin hehe, it used to be really messy with Elmo & glow in the dark bear! LOL now, it's Hello Kitty

Yeap, and my handphone, it used to look so messy & ugly now its alot better!

28th August 2009

Went out with Kim, Cheryl, Brian and Muse...yea, they are funny.
And this game is nice to play!

We wanted to get it since there's 5 of us for RM3.50 but we ended up not getting any haha

Mmmm....snow skin mooncake, like this alot when i first bought it, its tiramisu flavour. I know it sounds weird but it ain't so bad!..

My sister's friend made this...How does he do it???!!!!

Cute huh? Can't wait to use them..

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