Saturday, March 26, 2011

Finally, I feel a little less stressed out :-)

(17th March) Bought some Kuih from a Malay stall :-) Wasn't so bad. RM1 for 3 :-O. So after enjoying eating the kuih, just pass 7pm, opps..the current was out!. Call for help!..So we tagged along with David to join Wong, Wendy, Jeff, sally and Zophie. X)

19th March - Went to watch soccer a little and off for dinner.

Sunday - Church ;-) it wasn't too bad. Tml Church again!

21st March - Lunch with Racheal hohoho~ Burger! and teh tarik! nice nice...but thanks to the teh tarik i couldn't sleep the whole night =.=" and caused many problems!!!!

23rd March - received a called from Curtin Office and told me that they need 3 pics of me for my student pass (i didn't have any at all) so asked Tom & Jerry whether I could you know follow them if they were heading down town, they were! Okay good good! . Took a pic, went for dinner..HAHA guess friend's car battery flat =.=" ended up calling a taxi back to Curtin Villa and my photo was still there lol!

24th march - went to 1633 again hohohoho~

25th march - finally got my turnitin report and handed up my CIB assignment already!!! @.@! and ugh, business law exam! ,I have no idea whether I did horribly bad or just good enough to pass =.=". Volleyball!!! Haha was SO damn pai seh to go in! only later I went =.=""" but OMG it was so fun! I miss volleyball! and OMG my friend so yeng! I envy!!! T.T

26th March - went out for dinner with Andy and Amanda! They are such cute ngam key wan!! so good!. (Oooo! Happy 21st Birthday CHERYL HIEW XP)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I'm down down down.....

Some of you may feel the same way as I did,
A little left out I would say?
So what should I do?
Here's a promise to myself, I will improve it so that I can express what I wanna say,
reach out to the people out there, say what I want to say
and never feel left out.
I can say...what a horrible feeling it is,
once I have accomplish this dream, you can no longer laugh at me,
and no longer can you ever say this again 'ow, you'll wouldn't understand'.

Yes, I was very left out especially when time goes by,
then I slowly realize that I should take this opportunity to help myself.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

"Making A Difference"

This song is great :-)

won't you lord
take a look at our hands
everything we have
use it for ur plan

won't you lord
take a look at our heart
mold it, refine it
as you set us apart

we want to run to the altar
and catch the fire
to stand in the gap
between the living and the death
give us a heart of compassion
for a world without vision
we will make a difference
bringing hope to our land

we will answer the call
to build this church without wall
let your glory be shown
bring salvations to the lord

Friday, March 18, 2011

Uni life will always keep you busy :-)

(1st March) Happy Birthday aunt RITA :))))

Uni life is also about MONEY lol, especially when you're at a new location. I think I spent a lot, well for books and stuff I needed. I remember buying a calculator that is worth RM149.90 lol! A text book that cost RM196 and another RM150 @.@ This is what I spent for the first week and also a pillow, blanket and etc >.<". There was a welcoming dinner for my cousin and I at David's place together with Jeff lol!!! Food was great and yes, a tiring day. Before that we had lunch just opposite Curtin Villa, the chicken rice only cost RM3.50 wow.

(6th March) Btw, I'm catering my dinner for weekdays :P. Since we had dinner at Dav's place on Saturday and what about Sunday? haha obviously, instant noodle was the easiest BUT unhealthy :S.

(8th March) We have classes from 6pm to 8pm every Tuesday but we're always done by 7:30pm and we would go out for dinner so no catering for tonight :). Ordered watanho somewhere in Miri (haha i really have no idea where were we).

(11th March) We were officially(lol) invited to Doris's place for BBQ, hmmm...the HOTDOG was SO SO good! :P The chicken wings, the tofu, and the lamb (yummy). It was her birthday, which was tomorrow. Thanks Doris! That's very nice of you!

(12th March) Happy Birthday Doris :)))) - Remember Rachel Tham? I was in the same class as her during my (very few days in) A-levels X) Yeap, I meet her the other day on campus and she brought us to the shop opposite to have Pan Mian :) ohhh sooo GOOD!.

(13th March) Saw Bong ZW the other day on campus, haha she didn't know i was studying in Miri! So we meet up today and had dinner somewhere far far away (which I also have no idea where that was) it was a funny night, meet Wong, Yida, (crap, i forgot Yida's other 2 friend's name) ahh im so sry! X( Pai Seh!. But they were funny peeps hehe. Dinner was of course GOOD!.

(15th March) oh another Tuesday :) McD! Wooo~! it's been a while since I got myself one of these :) Thank God for all the yummy food that filled my stomach! happy happy happy.

When's our turn to cook? lol.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

How's Miri????

27th Feb, touch down in Miri~

Ahahahaha~ as I've already mention on facebook there was a good looking-tall air stewardess serving me X).

Curtin provided transportation services for students staying at Curtin Villa :) the whole mini bus was mine! muahahaha. It was hot when I just arrived, there was no ceiling fan but air-con. =.=" Aussie style?!. Later, I went out with my friends for dinner and get some other stuff I need at the moment to sleep. zZZ~ Meet 3 new friends, Jeffrey, Wendy? or Mandy? haha gah, suddenly confused and Jack. :-) Thanks David for the ride and Sharon for the 3 in 1 Milo for tomorrow morning wakakaka~

28th, ai yor..classes begins!

15th to 25th Feb...(hot hot hot)

Hello Perth!

Perth is hot hot hot! No joke! It's hot and dry lol. But what a fun time to spend with my friends :-).

On the 16th, down the city we go with my sis and her friends for BANK! ANZ all the way =.=" We went to 2 other ANZ bank and finally the right one lol. After that, boy were we exhausted so I had dinner with VJ at Big Bowl, mmm...sedap!...(thanks for the treat!)

17th was my friends graduation, neat!. Congratulation to Esther, Stella and Kevin! Woohoo~~ IGA is pretty much the same, nice indeed!. Had dinner with VJ and my sis for Ramen (salty!!! but good food!) (thanks for the treat AGAIN)

18th I can't remember what did I do during day time but I definitely remember joining cell group, it was a combined cell group haha. Hmm so many different faces around @.@.

19th..had lunch with Alex :) my new neighbour!! LOL oh no..I forgot the cafeteria's name but it was Japanese food at Waterford X). Later, dinner at aunt Judy's place was great!. Yummy!

20th ZPH, off to Church we go~. Hmmm, felt strange because it was my last Church service there :-(. Had lunch at Vic Park, Indo restaurant? I remember I went there for lunch when I went to ZPH for the first time too!. Farewell dinner for me??! :) Thanks guys! It was Korean food, hmmm..good!

21st......Carousel with my sister :-) Yeap, I bought a skirt and a flowery dress hehe ( me like a lot!) but I'm still waiting for the right time to wear it lol.

22nd..I baked my last cookies (was trying to finish up my ingredients but i couldn't :S) hmmm..the cookies weren't as good as my previous ones..i wonder why). Went out with Stella and Esther to the new Gelare at Waterford, how cool is that?!!!.Congratulations Vincent! And later I had dinner with Alex at 天天来 Vic Park X) and I saw this guy who looks really like one of my friend! wow!. Dinner was great but too much for the 2 of us haha.

23rd finally I tried Ciao Italia weee~ (Thanks Jo for the treat) muahahahaha meet this Italian dude? who works there and he knows so much about Malaysia! cool right?! lol.

24th Cousin Outing! all the cousins together for a day at Morley? Gloria Jeans Myer hehe. So many toys to look at @.@. Before that I had lunch with my cousin Christina and my nephew Ryan, adorable. I'm auntie lol. Had dinner with Tim, his friend (what was his friend name again? oh dear), Jo and Alex, (Thanks for the treat Tim! lol). Ah, off the airport I go, miss you guys! Was emo-ing actually but just didn't want to show it hehe. Very EMO!!!!! T.T

Perth, see ya once more! I really hope so :)