Thursday, August 19, 2010

Week 3

(Monday) 16th of August 2010....I didn't know it was Chinese Valentine's Day, not until Cheryl told me lol! Well, lets just say she received something 'special' from a friend far far away. So sweet right?. Nothing much happened today, classes as usual but something different today...I didn't attend my lecture class today :X, okay, maybe next Monday but I did download the iLecture for what I missed out :).
(Tuesday) So what's up Tuesday? Stayed at home for the whole day, trying to stuff my head with slides and cracking my head to finish my seminar question asap!. I just remembered! Monday night, my housemates told me that hungry jack's ice-cream only cost $0.50?!! What? was desperate for it but controlled myself for tonight's outing. Mitya (my housemate) baked chocolate chip cake and it was nice because I got to try it first fresh from the oven :D!!! because she was fasting. It was so yummy! :P. She gave us each and yea based on what they say (rest of the housemates) it was a big hard on top? but the taste was great. But I had mine when it was still warm so yea. Was surprised that VJ was home so early?! So it was an opportunity to ask..muahahaha~! We wanted Hungry Jack's for dinner (purpose: for the ice-cream) lol. VJ the boss said what?! so that's how we got to try Saigon Cafe & Noodle restaurant. It was so cold and by the time we got there we were so HUNGRY! and woah! God bless the food! The food taste good man!. I want to go back there once more!!!!. Since it was a TUESDAY night...Bingo 'Gelare' !!!. waffles, half price! This time it was Melissa's treat, large waffles for the pretty ladies, topped with cookies and creams ice-cream and the other rum and raisins~ and one regular waffle for the prince :P.AND iced mocha. I tried Mocha chip milkshake. Not bad, just nice and not too sweet. Meet Vivian's friend, Laura? she then introduced her charming friend to us called Yogurt??!! No idea why and that's where all the crazy idea starts popping out!. Melissa suggested that we called VJ ice-cream? and guess who couldn't stop laughing? yes, Vivian...LOL. So I'm=Mocha?, Melissa=Waffle, Vivian=Milkshake, Diana=pancake? haha, Mitya=Kiwi :P and VJ=lollipop or Tiramisu.
(Wednesday) Yes, still busy with my seminar question!... We were suppose to attend the free Workshop Session but was too afraid to enter the room because it was a small group! :S so never mind, we'll just check out the Library! and off we go to IGA :) On the way to IGA we saw Nanny! :O nah, it's nothing. He's a nice guy bah! yorrr.
(Thursday) Classes as usual but this time I stayed in the Library just to read through my slides~. and wait for my next class. The morning seminar was great because I'm starting to understand the 4 step technique for my essay writing. So I hope I can do better for my next seminar question :). Tutorial this evening was fine, oh Thank God! I'm catching up! I was so blur last week! Help me Lord to improve better everyday! Bless me! I can't do it without you! :S.

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