Monday, August 9, 2010

Still Week 1

continuing....week 1 (Friday) Cell group meeting? no....I missed it because some came up. It's personal so just stayed at home and after dinner our little friend came over and brought some DVD's over, so was it a movie night? Oh! i forgot to mention, we ordered Subway! 15 pieces? yes, we have our very own personal delivery dude, cool huh? anyway, I almost forgot to mention (again) lunch was prepared for us again! How delicious! it was fried rice with sausages (ugh i loved it). Here's how it looks like

(Saturday)... Yawn.....I woke up early in the morning, too early! it was only 7am...what's wrong with me?. Time for breakfast...tik tok tik tok, it was 9am ++ people start coming down. So what else for breakfast? Bingo! yesterday's left over (Subway) This time we reheat-ed it! Yum!. Everyone had one piece and i had 2 pieces hehe!

Later we Cleaned the house, well 'THEY' did most of the work while i was enjoying my breakfast in front of the tv.
My 8th time to Carousel LOL together with my housemates, Vivian, Diana and Melissa. I had Wendy's for lunch since I had 2 pieces of subway.... while they had lunch at the food court. Luckily i had Wendy's because I saw what they used for the malt, cereal and oats in the drink muahahaha! and i found it at Coles. Okay, time to head back home, ladidadada~....woah, another housemate at Carousel? yes, it was VJ. Too the bus home, Great adventure...LOL 'ADVENTURE...'. Dinner as usual but today's special was Garlic bread. (I want more!).

(Sunday) UWA here we come!. Today's service was FANTASTIC! NO! not because of the location but because what was preached! i loved it and I hope i can use it though. So why should we tell others about Christianity? Well, 2 simple reasons, because Jesus is REAL and because other people are worshiping other Gods. So let's do our best and share the good news. Btw, it was a COLD, windy Sunday at UWA. Picnic at the sea side, nice view, nice FOOD and most of all, Fabulous people!. Haha so what was our picnic lunch? SUBWAY! ppfffttt...... By the time i was back, it was already too late for me to visit Curtin's open day. Oh well.

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