Saturday, July 17, 2010

It's Winter :P

Woke up early in the morning, 5:25am? on the 12th, same day as FIFA world cup finals. Flight schedule, 8:50am and check in 2 hours before departure. Was a little surprised when some of my classmates came to send us off, even though they were talking about it on my photo comment :S. Four of them came, Tan, Samuel, Sharon and Choo. I think a lot were there to send us off, so 4 our friends, my mum, brother and sister, my uncle and aunt, Vivian's mum, brother, aunt and grandma. That's a lot for 2 of us right? imagine if there was more HAHA.

Anyway, on our way to Brunei for transit and off we go! While waiting, we had our burger from McDonald s, which was from Vivian's mum of course. The flight was on time so we only waited for 2 hours and 45 minutes? can't really remember. There was limited entertainment on board, I mean the TV in front of our seat hehe. So I went fishing (sleep).

YAY! we're here! So far so good. And then my friend was sent to the immigration department which was just a few step ahead haha, well to check her photo because she looks a little different from her passport photo. Later, someone took the wrong bag!, Indian guy took my friend's bag by mistake because the bag was exactly the same which the exact same lock LOL!.

My uncle picked us up, bought our dinner and off we go to our new room which we liked a lot! Khoa, our agent looks pretty much like a kid but he is way older.(Day 2) So we went to the bank the next day and got ourselves a new cellphone which was free from Planet 3 :) Thank you!. Before that we had lunch at where aunt Judy works. As for dinner, Vivian's cousin took us out and yeap that's about it.

(Day 3), Jonathan Koh took us out with her gf and meet Jo at Carousel and later Jo became the tour guide to Curtin by bus haha and dinner at Karawara, kopitiam shop lol.

(Day 4)My friend's dad was asking for another cordless water kettle, so the agent showed us where he got it. Haha funny, its from Carousel! K-mart! and gosh! you can get cheap things over there!!!! Later we got the adapter because ours was cooked!So after all that we went back to Curtin hoping that we could get our Transperth card done for tomorrow and yeah! we did! didn't take too long.

(Day 5), my roommates friends came over and we took the bus together to Fremantle. It was cold because it was drizzling! Instant noodles for dinner!

(Day 6) As for today, I woke up a little later, 9++am. Toast bread for breakfast and off to Karawara, Coles supermarket! Our housemate drop us off while he went off to Carousel. Bought our groceries and walked back! hehe good exercise! Aunt Judy took us out for dinner and it was good. Thanks!

(Day 7).....

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