Wednesday, July 28, 2010


(Day 16) Stayed at Home all day looonnngggg~...and finally realize that its super boring in the afternoon! Haha

(Day17) Got my Tax File Number!. 'Getting Down to business Seminar' this is funny. Left at 9:45am to attend this seminar at 10am, was LOST and LATE but based on what Vivi told us, it was just basic information, your majors...your units etc.. So guess what? off to Carousel again for Pooh! XD went back with Bus 34 and yes, we missed the stop nearest to our place =.=". After dinner, out with our housemates for Teh Tarrik? why did I drink it??!! I couldn't sleep all night. FYI, tea is strong enough for me...can't imagine coffee! ;P

(Day 18) Kebab anyone??

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