Monday, July 26, 2010

......(Day 7) Tim Sum for Branch? It was delicious! A little Pool for fun with Jo and Battle gear? for J Koh & Li?. Next, get some meat for soup tonight! or tomorrow night. XD I can't remember. And yea something exciting for us in the City, a car was on FIRE~! wooo~ that's where J koh's LAME idea was alive! :) nah, just kidding. Funny Video.

(Day 8) Orientation! it was alright but we were confused with the units @.@. Enrolled our units and timetable was ready. Classes on Monday and Thursday only but so late! ends at 8pm and 7pm :S.

(Day 9) Back to Curtin to submit my transcripts because I was so smart on Day 8 (sarcastic). Bank account 99% settled. ( you'll know where the 1% is later). Luckily, less than 24 hours, book list was available!. Heavy stuff on the way home!.Btw, Passion was introduced to us by Trecia and Ester, and meet Eunice. 7:30pm, we come! (Tuesday specials) Waffle and ice-cream! Yum :P. So we meet, Peter, Siaw Chin, Daniel, Kimberly, Evangeline, an African "cool & funny!", Jason, Samantha and the penang brothers. :) Supper at McD's?. (please forgive me for wrong spellings and forgetting names) I hope I didn't miss out anyone?

(Day 10) HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISS BARBARA!. Korean BBQ for dinner! Yummy! Especially for winter. So, there was June, her bf, and Calvin. Baskin Robbins for deserts and some sightseeing, boy it was beautiful! but scary at King's Park.

(Day 11) Carousel with Jo for SHOPPING (LOVE). Yes, I bought lots of stuff :X. Steam boat and Korean BBQ at Chloe's place from Passion group ;). Vincent, Jack or GA? (sorry), Jalong? (gah, I can't your names! sry), Elise, Raymond, Kevin? haha

(Day 12)Off to City with my personal tour guide Joanne :D. Yes, SHOPPING again :) but hey! I brought so few things over from KK so I really needed it hehe. Taka, Japanese food? YES! Cheap and TASTY! Candy shop, I'll be back! Tonight, BBQ with cell group members? but i think it was a LARGE group, a gathering with everyone else. Hot Dog for dinner, slurp!.

(Day 13) Trying to figure out what we did on this day! just remembered! Ikea! Table Lamp, welcome home! haha. Bubble tea anyone? and off he goes, back to KK for Vivian's dad. He's a great guy you know? :)I'm sure everyone knows that his/her daddy loves them loads!. Give thanks!. Dinner was too much! Was really full!.

(Day 14)HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHN CHIA. 10:30am Church time!. Zion? It was a good one, in fact a really important one. Hope it sinks in. Spread the good news! provoke a blessing? Provoke a curse?. Dinner at J Koh's house. Good food man!

(Day 15) It's Garden City! but last minute changes, my personal tour guide wasn't feeling well (nothing serious ;)) so Vivian and I took the bus to Carousel since she didn't get the chance to shop there too. Dinner at home, yay!.

So what's on today (Day 16)?

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