Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Your First Love Lollipop

Here's my new target, LG Lollipop 1 :). Well, its not that new actually, it was already out in Korea last year but it just arrive in KK hohoho like after 1 year lol. But now there's already Lollipop 2!, hehe I still prefer Lollipop 1, I'm not sure about you guys, ya probably think that Lollipop 2 is better. Anyway here's some pictures of LG Lollipop that I'm talking about.

It comes in three colours, Pink, Black, and Blue.

Cute Wallpapers :D and alot of customization can be done on LED lights

1 comment:

sharir (real name) PIECE! :) said...

Excuse me, can I ask you one question? Just one...
Well, how much is this LG Lollipop?