Thursday, May 13, 2010

anything can change

Watched Nightmare on Elm Street, erm nah, not my kind of movie because I've watched so many movies and there's no difference in them lol. Now, I'm waiting for Toys story 3 XD, just curious about it hehe.

Lately, things are a little different from my usual hectic schedule, waking up at 10am? haha but I'm still thinking whats the best gift for my lecturers...hmmm.

Anyway, been hanging out with my friends and yeap, heard a sad story or should I say an unexpected story for me. Well, yea Love turns to Hate...these things happens. But was a little shocked how harsh those words were, speaking of harsh, haha I remember I once used that WORD too. That's because I felt like I was FOOLED :S. Maybe now I understand why 'our friend' have been acting a little strange previously and now. But! It's okay, you're still our friend mate! ;) Well, of course, we hope that you'll feel better with us for a while.

Forgive & forget, yes forgive that person for their mistakes, and NO! not forget them in person, but forget their mistakes on you and STILL be friends :)

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