Monday, March 1, 2010

14th of February - 1st of March 2010 updates

14th of Feb was the 1st day of chinese new year, dinner at aunt Rita's place. 15th at grandma's place..i think and 16th aunt Rita's place...yeap dinner dinner dinner....17th haha i can't even remember who's place we went to. So, what did I do on the 18th? I can't recall, we probably had dinner at home. Well, this year I've been doing all the garden watering, watering the plants and letting my 2 little wait 3 little dogs out to do you know' their business' ehem"
....anyway Friday the 19th we went over the Nick's place, btw nice house! very comfy. Watch 'King of Beggars' haha really funny!, played cards...had lunch, snacks..played with 3 little puppies >cute< . And off for movies, we watched 72 something, can't remember because this year I've watched 10 movies? i think so...or few but soon it'll be more than that.
Saturday, went to Kim's place to Bai Nian (visit during CNY?) talked and meet her cousin from UK, like the way he talks (cool) and brought some stuff bad well BORROWED some stuff bad and returned it the next day lol.
Speaking of 'The Next Day' was Alex Chung's Open House HAHA well its actually 2 person but they seem like a couple LOL husband and wife? anyway its Chung's (our classmate) little mini small not really a open house but a CNY gathering, no red packets because his parents were out :'( and yes another dog >VERY CUTE<>
SCHOOL was the NEXT DAY! luckily I wasnt still stuck in the CNY MOOD and yes everyone was tired at school the next day. Something happened in school...regarding friend issues, really sad. I was unhappy when someone mentioned 'I'm not concern'. It was a HUGE misunderstanding and yes things turn out ugly. To me it was a little RUDE and SELFISH...I dont mind if you're selfish but please..dont be rude to my friends. On Thursday, i found something where that someone told me something 'The Truth'. It was very UGLY....and once I knew it was a lie before, I couldn't trust this person no more. Well, when i say i can't trust as in things regarding about people not school homework. Dang 2nd time I'm being fooled! What...Punk'd is going on here? anyway was SUPER MOODY at KK box celebrating my friend's bday. Sad songs made me think MORE. That was BAD haha but it's all over now. There's nothing I can do. trust God....and live life.
Heard that most of my friends are going to Curtin in Miri :'( i hope during their last year they are able to finish it in perth with me (if i accepted in). I was a little sad because it's only 2 of us, really wish there could be more so we could have more fun.

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