Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Holiday MOOD!

My name! just like the Movie 'Coraline'
I wish I knew about this movie earlier, guess it wasnt popular here. :(
Coraline's bendy action figures, I really want to get this! She's wearing removable clothes and socks, OMG! I've always wanted bendy dolls! I can design something for her! eek! Well..IF i get one, there's plenty online but I aint got a credit card :(

The movie set..Oh My! I want that doll house! I wish I could be there helping for free, I wouldn't mind at all cos I really like these type of animated movies!

Most of us can't wait for Chinese New Year which so happens to be on Valentine's Day. Aftre lunch at Little Italy on Saturday, I was really satisfied with my meal, although I can't remember what's the of the dish but it's filled with Ham & Cheese. Movies at Growball 'Woohoo', had a few drinks and off we go, Home sweet home. Since the lunch party starts at 1:30pm and the STTSS sports meet starts at 12:30pm, cheerleading 1pm....I didn't get to watch the cheerleading :( but anyway it wasn't important.

Next day, went to church in the morning and learned 6 characteristics of LOVE.
Self-Control (especially during CNY)

Had branch with family at Inanam, and bought myself a cute simulation bun, looks like it, feels like it and smells like it.
The simulation bun I mentioned hehe

2nd group photo after Talent Night
Group Photo ;)

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