Friday, February 5, 2010

Can't you sense that sometimes I'm annoyed?!

Sometimes I'm really annoyed because someone is acting childish and rude. Anyway who cares. Yay CB test 1 is over, can't wait for tomorrow but the TTSS sports day only starts at 12:30pm? hmm...maybe I'll be there around 10am or 11am, then off to a friend's birthday party. After that off to the movies...pretty packed eh? Sunday dinner at Upperstar and later Talent Night :) Hope they'll put on a great show woo~
Went to idp centre today to fill in my application form, phew I feel a little better, only a LITTLE. Still worried about needing ielts or not. Had a little confusion there and soon understood it and I chose Legal Studies, gotta talk to my dad about that. Hope it's okay.

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