Friday, December 18, 2009

Phew....some time to relax~

Nadia, Jacky, Me and Mandy :))) (21/12/2009)
Celeste, Kara, me, SHeryn and Money ;) (18/12/2009)
Money, Me and Eilla...we're the only 3 people in this category...We all got SOMETHING hehe
This is how i was feeling most of the time...from Sutera to

Let me see...after 3 days of's so embarrassing when there's only 3 people playing in your category. HAHA....Especially 2nd placing with such a lousy score! Well, Money did very well in my category while Eilla and I didn't, we all received something haha...and its kinda weird cos i played really BAD. I'm still thinking in my mind "when will i get a better golf set"....
There's one thing for sure that happend was US (Kara, Sheryn and Celeste) laughing all the way...its like from day ONE to day THREE. It seems like we could laugh at just anything?!! I hope you guys wouldn't think that we're weird cause it sounds crazy right? Man why is everyone...well not everyone but most of my friends thinks that he is handsome?? LOL even my mum thinks so...gah lol...I'm not saying he's not handsome but I'm not very interested in him and my friends were so CRAZY about him. Maybe I'll try and get a photo of him from the golf club and see whether he's really that handsome haha...maybe there's just something wrong with my eyes. And one thing for super dark! espcially my face! ahahahhaha....
I really hope i can meet new people from different places :)

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