Thursday, April 30, 2009

Results ;)

30th April '09 hmmm...last day of April...tomorrow will be Labour day! hooray! Today is the day we'll all know our exam results...i wasn't really afraid but i was super afraid right after my exam last week because i knew what were the mistakes i've made!but thank God! i pass all five of my subjects...i was so worried about my BIS. Glad that it was okay. Now i've got to prepare for my next semester subjects, most of my lecturers told us that it wouldnt be that easy..uh oh..can't fool around anymore. We'll only be moving to the new campus in November i guess that will be okay because it'll be a little rush for us if we were leaving in september, imagine we were suppose to move during will be too soon! Hope i'll be driving in July...& hope that what i hoped for will be happening, no more turning back and no more fear, shouldn't think like that, it'll only make you worry. Why worry when you know that God is here for you.

Look what i got!! haha Nana

This is nice :) yum yum

Ah the watermelon haha Nana&Bubbles were so afraid, dont worry its only yummy :P

Saw this cat when we were on our way to my mum's grandparent's grave, to clean it..its our tradision, ya know?

This was the Lizard that scared me like "OMG"...can't believed i sat there and didn't know it was there!!! Ahhhh!! I only saw it when i was about to open the door and get off..EeeKk~ i jumped fast to the door on my left...phew.

Little Miss Sunshine! adorable right? um my sis bought Mr Happy for her boyfriend :S haha

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