Sunday, June 27, 2010


YAY! (FINALLY) on the 19th June 2010, I GRADUATED! :D

(FINALLY) I received flowers for the first time!

(FINALLY) our accommodations are done!

(FINALLY) after 3 weeks, my parents are coming back!

(FINALLY) I'm able to go abroad and STUDY!

(LUCKILY) I watched Toy Story 3 with Kim and my siblings before she left!

(FINALLY) on the 2nd of July 2010, we are having another dinner together with all our family members. (my niece's 1 month old party)

(LUCKILY) I got to meet my Uncle and cousins from Beijing the past few days! (thought I couldn't meet them)

and MOST of all/ ABOVE all...THANK GOD!!!!!!! so many dramas, so many uncertainty, and unpredictable events! I've been through them all, Thanks to HIM! :)

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