Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Aih yai yai......

So everything is done except for my accommodation. I was a little worried when my aunt's friend called because her son is in Perth and there's room for rent but only one. When I told her that I was sharing room with a friend, she told me that sometimes or most cases for students who are sharing rooms quarrel and things turn bad....well it was just an advice or just something she wanted to share with me and it got me worried....but I told my friend about it and she said she understand what I was saying because Su Kian told her about it too. Later my aunt asked how long was my course and I told her 2 years, so she said wow straight to 2nd year?...then she said it wasn't going to be easy, well THAT also got me worried but hey, nothing is easy right?? even something simple can be difficult. Well, all I can do is work hard with God's help. I gotta trust the Lord and do my best. Seriously, nothing is easy....

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