Saturday, August 22, 2009

Too soon to September

This is from my aunt Tina, she bought this in Romania haha well 'excitedly'
She bought a new Canon 500D if im not mistaken, so she gave me this. Thank u aunt Tina!
My mum and i wanted to buy Canon 500D but its actually too expensive for us, since aunt Tina gave us this then we'll stick with this, maybe we'll just wait till Canon 500D is cheaper.
'This is Andrew, Angelica's brother...guess he was kinda sad leaving KK,
missing yummy noodles and more.
This is Angelica, they left yesterday...heading back to Romania,
I hope they had fun here in KK for 5 weeks for their summer holiday =)

Look familiar??
We had these candies since young!
And now the candy wrapper is so attractive!
And yea, they still tase good~

The carrot cake that my aunt delicious!

and she bought the carrot deco from Germany.

My mum bought this from an organic shop, which is really tasty too,

its imported from Japan :P

Our family dinner, my aunt who used to stay in KK came back from Romania

with her family and my uncle came back with his family from Dubai :)

Can't wait for aunt Judy to come back! Cos they always make me laugh :D

This was taken at Frenz cafe, which was opened by my friend's friend hehe

Try it out if u wish :) its nice too!

Its located at Lintas next to Yoyo haha

This is a picture of my classmates and I at Frenz Cafe, we went there after our final paper.
Well, not all of them were there.

23rd of August, 8 more days to September... I think in my previous blog was abt busy July? well guess what?? August is the most extreme, the EXAM month! which means studying like a mad dog or should i say STRESS! Our exam started on August 12th ~ 19th August. The 1st day was Organization Behaviour paper, we studied like crazy with such little hints from the lecturers and there was like 12 chapters..woo~ during the exam, gosh guess those 'little hints' were BIG hints after all....but it was all worth it studying till 11++pm...Its like my brain was about to explode! The 2nd was Financial Accounting 2, well that was okay cos we studied what the lecturer told us, so yea always listent to ur lecturers whenever they say something from that particular chapter is important, its really helpful ;)...The next was Quantitative Method, woo thats also piece of crazy a paper! This paper wasn't easy for us because we didnt know what was the correct answers for our tests in class...our lecturer refused to give us the answer when we asked him...hello? we were willing to learn what mistake we made and yet he didnt want to give us the answers?...argh, whatever. I just hope we all could pass this paper even though it's a selective. And then it was a saturday and sunday for us to prepare for the last 3 papers. We had our Managerial Accounting Management, which wasn't too bad. Then Business Law...woah, this paper was the bom man, we didnt receive any hints at NONE and im sure u know how MANY cases there are to remember and all kinds of law, rule...etc boy, that was the most STRESS of all! there was just too many to remember, everyone was so nervous because we were all so afraid that we'll forget what we studied, but when the exam paper was distributed, oh THANK GOD!!! it was all wasnt as difficult as what we imagined! and the final paper...Tax, this paper was okay too because we did exercises on this yea, after all these...wooo~ the STRESS was gone "poof" well, if u're not expecting to fail or repeat...maybe some are still STRESS because the results are out tomorrow and i sure can't wait! and btw, we're having our 2 weeks of holiday, yipee! well i still have work to do haha....1st, i have to finish up the year book page for our class, then i have to visit the dentist, hehe i've already miss 3 months of appointment, and lastly i have to go for driving class because i have to get my driving license within this 2 weeks of holiday otherwise it'll be a waste.

1 comment:

joanneelainee said...

everyone's getting a dslr. i want one tooo! :(