Saturday, November 7, 2009

la la la lalalalala~

This is a group photo of us moving stuff to the new campus, the new campus is huge!
BBQ on saturday at Karambunai... Food was great! (If the photo is too small just click on it ;D )

Before the BBQ, i went to my friend's graduation :)
Abigail with her bouquets of flowers :D, as u can see in the middle pic is a bouquet of roses which was a super last 10 mins thing to do but it was worth it because it made her smile. Jonathan being sleepy & blur on his graduation was surprised, anyway hope u're happy!

Before checking the Karambunai facility we went to 1Borneo for brunch. Yeap, whats with the toys right?? haha to tag our friends on facebook for fun.
The second pic is my family :) it was my daddy's b'day dinner! (Happy Birthday!)

I really liked these pics i took with my aunt's camera!

Thats taken during my classmate's presentation, cat from the new campus (adorable but sick :( poor kitty) and that last pic was taken after our last day of exam, ready for Wii!

My group for presentation, Neat!. and a group photo of us celebrating Vivian, Aloysius, Kee and Pei san's b'day in advance!

I wanna say thanks to all my friends and family! Thanks for everything and the fun we had! I hope you guys enjoyed it too! God bless! :)

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